Friday, May 13, 2005

Stolen Bike Report

My garage was broken into early morning on May 12th.  I live in the Cambrian area of San Jose.  It seemed as though they were in just to get all my bike stuff so I'm just making a list and asking people to keep their eyes peeled just in case they notice anything suspicious concerning anyone trying to get rid of some pretty expensive bike stuff.  If you notice anything, please call the SJPD at:  408-277-8900 (311 in San Jose).  The case number is 05-132-0216.  OR you can call me and I'll get the information to the police. Here's my number:  408-406-4608.

ALSO, Please pass on the document to your friends you ride with around the area and some of the local clubs and teams just in case anyone sees or hears anything.

Thanks a whole bunch,

Dave Hanel

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