Thursday, April 06, 2006

About the Sierra-to-the-Sea ticket

A Personal Editorial
I voted the way I felt was the correct way to vote given the rules of the drawing. We did have a drawing, someone was selected, that person accepted the gift, then after accepting the gift, that person decided not to use it. Under the rules going into the drawing, the gift was not transferable. Under the rules going into the drawing, the gift is forfeited if not used. Under the rules going into the drawing, nobody but the person awarded the gift may use it. This was clearly communicated among the board before the drawing was held. In my opinion changing the rules after a drawing that involves a gift, opens the door to all sorts of allegations of corruption and/or favoritism.

About my role on the board. I was asked to run for publisher. I did not go out to seek the job.

Given the criticism I have received over this I will likely not run again. Perhaps someone else can do a better job at it. But, I can honestly say, I have served and voted the way I thought was right and that is the way I will always vote when serving in this or any similar capacity. When I was solicited for the job of publisher, the nominating committee focused on my capabilities as a newsletter publisher and not as a politician or member of the board. But, being elected to that position I have had to vote my conscience and do what I feel is right, even though others may disagree. In other non ACTC capacities I have voted my conscience many times even when I have been the sole dissenter. I will, and have had to, vote my conscience and do what I feel is right no matter how unpopular that is. I guess that makes me a lousy politician.

~Steve Sloan

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