Minutes of ACTC General Meeting
January 4, 2004
President David Hoag called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
David welcomed all present and thanked the outgoing Board. He asked new Club members to introduce themselves and indicate their reasons for joining the club. Three new members took the floor. Two of the new members had been on some Club rides and all hoped to improve their riding.
Treasurer Paul Vlasveld reported deficit spending of about $13,000 in 2004. $56,000 remains in Club reserves. He looks forward to a successful year without deficit spending and will be closely monitoring expenditures.
Membership chair Dick Caron was absent due to a family emergency. There will be a report on membership at the next General Meeting.
Ride Coordinator Tyler French announced changes to the ride lists: he is eliminating Mountain Goat Silver City/Virginia City and adding Skyline Park. He is adding four Grizzlies: Time Trials, Saratoga Maze, Guy Fawkes Day, and Blessing of the Bicycles. He reminded everyone about the Ride Leaders luncheon. If you were a 2004 ride leader, join the luncheon. The rides are open to all Club members.
David asked for committee reports. There were no representatives present to report on Sierra-to-the- Sea, Tierra Bella, and the Academy.
Political Action Chair Bob Eltgroth reported that he attended and spoke at the San Jose Council meeting at which the Council approved the Sports Complex on McKean Road. There is some mitigation planned as a result of opposition and the size of the project was scaled down. Bob pointed out how important the EIR phase is for such projects. You can contact Bob if you would like additional information. Bob will be attending upcoming board meetings for California Association of Bicycle Organizations (CABO) and the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC) this month. Bob is having double knee replacement surgery at the end of the month, so he will not be attending meetings for a few months. He will submit articles to the Black and Blue Bottom.
Bicycle Recycling Program Chair Jim Schallau had nothing new to report this month. Shop Representative Chair Larry Brandt reported that we need a Cupertino representative for the Cupertino Bike Shop.
David Hoag reported on the first meeting of the new Board in the prior week. The Board identified specific focus areas to work on this year. The board wants the opportunity to work with everyone in the Club to meet the needs of all Club members and to assist new members. David also explained the Presidential BLOG (Web-based discussions on specific topics) and monthly “Coffee with the President.” Each month David will discuss one focus item to develop actionable items for the Club. If you don’t have internet access or prefer personal contact, join David on January 22, 9 to 10 a.m., at the Almaden Roasting Company. The first topic is the renewal process. Does it work for you? Can we improve it? Was it easy? What can we do as a club to improve the process?
Other announcements: John Mazzella announced that a few remaining Sierra-to-the-Sea T-shirts and one pair of shorts were on special for $3.00 that evening. David announced that Black and Blue Ball tickets are on sale.
Publisher Steve Sloan is redesigning the Club publication and needs your comments to help improve the Black and Blue Bottom. He encouraged people to take extra copies for distribution in such places as health clubs. Steve is recruiting writers, photographers, and cartoonists. Please contact Steve by e-mail.
At the request of Club members, the new Board introduced themselves. Vice President Penny Carl announced that we would celebrate past Vice President John Mazzella’s birthday with a cake at break. She would like to hear suggestions for program speakers. Ride Coordinator Tyler French reported that the Club would be setting up a clearing house for new members with information on good introductory rides, the Tierra Bella, and other events. Tyler wants to help Club members to achieve their personal riding goals.
Past President Michael Curtis announced the raffle of one Sierra-to-the-Sea ticket among 2004 ride leaders. The ticket is non-transferrable, so only those leaders who would take the tour are given raffle tickets. You must contact Michael to be included in the raffle.
David Hoag made the single bike-related announcement. He reported on the first long distance training ride. In spite of rain, 25 riders completed rides of varying distances, a good start to an exciting and fun series. He encouraged everyone to join the next ride.
Adjournment: 7:58 p
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